Roadman Boogie - Nikki Slade Robinson


'I'm cold and bored and soggy,' sneezed the Roadman with a sigh.
'All I do is Stop-Go-Stop at traffic sloshing by.'
But when a loaded car pulled up, with music playing loud,
the Roadman couldn't help himself and danced for all the crowd!

Nikki Slade Robinson has been an illustrator and author for many years and has illustrated for a wide range of businesses including multinationals such as Telecom New Zealand, BP and New Zealand Post. Most of all she loves drawing for children and has illustrated over sixty children's books and readers. For Duck Creek Press she has also written and illustrated the very popular Muddle & Mo (2015).



  • 210 x 255, 32 pages
  • Paperback, ISBN 978-1-927305-12-6, RRP: $19.99

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